来自立陶宛的设计师 Vainius Kubilius 迷恋灯光艺术已经一年多了。有一天,他突发奇想用椰子、软木塞和麂皮手工打造了这盏独特绚烂的灯。它看起来就像闪耀夺目的珠宝,让你时刻都想去欣赏反射在墙上温暖璀璨的光影。
他花费了 9 个月时间在椰子上钻了无数个排列有序的艺术孔,使得照射出来的灯影拥有一种迷幻的浪漫。灯的支座就像是植物的根茎,动感而有活力。
枝蔓外包裹着喷漆外皮,这款灯有11种不同的款式,价钱 219 美元至 499 美元不等。
设计师:Vainius Kubilius
I’m Vainius Kubilius and for more than a year I have an obsession about light art. I started learning how to create lighting that would give people a feeling, not just provide light. I’d love to think that my lamps are some sort of aphrodisiac that will create more passion in peoples lives. And passion is needed.
Artist Vainius Kubilius carefully crafts lamps that project visually exciting and exotic patterns of light on adjacent walls. Unlike your typical light designer, Kubilius doesn’t simply work with metals and manmade materials. Instead, this creative innovator incorporates coconuts into his products, which he designs under the label Nymphs. “The head of the lamp is made out of coconut,” Kubilius tells us, “but after careful shaving, waxing, and drilling, it shines like some sort of jewel.”
It took Kubilius nine months to complete his first lamp, but he has since improved his technique and time efficiency. Now, it takes the artist only a few days to fully realize each of his creations. Despite his ability to compress the time needed for production, each lamp continues to demand the artist’s astute attention to…