Livi planter的便携式花盆,它的的特别之处在于“四肢”上配备了四个微型吸垫,允许用户同时在垂直或水平表面上放置植物,比如可以将花盆直接固定在窗户上。 Livi planter的设计者希望能改变人们观赏植物的角度,同时允许用户在任何地方种植自己喜爱的绿色植物。
Hooman Koliji
整个花盆,连腿算,长宽都是 15 厘米,容量大约在半斤左右。
城市生活快捷忙碌,城市建筑高耸林立,人们接触大自然的机会越来越少。情趣渐无、生活乏味?这怎么行!我们要创造条件营造属于自己的自然乐园,让 LIVI 帮我们实现与大自然爱的抱抱吧!
设计师 Hooman Koliji 创作的的 LIVI 是一款轻巧且具创意的花盆,设计灵感来源于青蛙,富有生命力和活力。LIVI 采用 100% 可回收的创新纳米材料,一体无缝注成无需要装配。外型像极了青蛙,大大的肚子,还有四条吸附能力极强的腿。身型小巧,长宽均为 6 英寸(152mm),花盆主体直径为 2 英寸,容量约 10 盎司(283克)。
四条腿的圆型微吸垫特别强大,不同于一般的不干胶。它是采用先进的纳米技术,吸力超强,只要是平面无论什么材质,你只需轻轻一推或一压,就吸住了,再拿下来时面上也不会留下任何的粘痕。LIVI 不但造型和设计令人满意,颜色也提供了更多的选择。紫、白、草绿、湖蓝、桔色、浅蓝、浅粉、明黄,总有一款能与你的绿植和室内设计相搭。
LIVI 的用法按种植方式分有三种,水培、土培或直插。水培即同花瓶的用法,时常加水即可。土培最好是内嵌花盆,直接放入较好,需要更换时直接取出,无需打理土。直插即直接插入干花或假花,无需水和土。LIVI 的造型和颜色与绿植、花卉甚至蔬菜都很搭。
LIVI 的方便实用注定让它成为家居点睛高手。你可以将几个种上绿植的LIVI贴到大玻璃窗上,绿植天天拥抱阳光,明艳动人,心情怎能不好?!你可以找一面墙,用多个LIVI组合排列在一起,做成心型或任何你喜欢的造型,种满鲜花绿植或是叶子好看的蔬菜,花漂亮、菜好吃,想想看,这比照片墙的逼格可高了不知几个格了!你可以选一个或几个LIVI,贴在冰箱、烤箱、微波炉、厨柜等地方,厨房立马变得富有生机!你可以将LIVI贴在笔记本电脑上,边工作边赏花哟!你还可以选择不把LIVI贴在墙上窗上,而是就这么静静地放在桌子上,里面种上鲜花绿植或是直接当笔筒使用,都会让忙碌的你平静淡定呢……
Livi a colorful creature that reimagines the everyday planter. No more worrying about whether your plants will get enough sunlight. Versatile and portable, this planter can stick on virtually any vertical surface thanks to its specialized “palms”. They’re made of an innovative nanotechnology material that is able to bond with smooth surfaces repeatedly, including windows, with just a gentle push.
Imagine being able to create your own vertical garden right on your window or wall in just a few minutes. That’s exactly what Livi, a playful new planter prototype by designer Hooman Koliji, allows you to do with its unique micro-suction “palms” that grip onto various surfaces in just seconds without screws, nails, or glue. You can use Livi to pop an air succulent on the back of your laptop or stick some fresh herbs right onto your kitchen wall, and then restick them with ease when you’re in the mood for a change. Livi is currently raising funds for production on Kickstarter, so head on over to their campaign to support them and score some sweet perks while you’re at it!
Hooman Koliji
Hooman is an architect, landscape designer, and associate professor of architecture. He is passionate about exploring imaginative solutions for critical problems. His work on Ecological Design Thinking has yielded several innovative design research projects.